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Snapshot: On the Scooter That Started It All

Snapshot1 min read

17 March 2013

I had a lovely visit to my parents' villages outside Chennai and I'm sitting on the scooter that started my life on two wheels. My chinna-pedda-naina (mom's first elder sister's husband), here, has meticulously maintained this handsome Bajaj Chetak since 1985. I remember going for rides to the nearby town of Perambakkam with me standing up front and pretending I was riding with hands on the handlebar. Wind in the face, sensation of speed, ahhh, I was hooked from an early age! Chinna-pedda-naina encouraged me, as a kid, to take apart everything, understand how it works and then put it back together. He's proud that I went and had a career in Mechanical Engineering in the US and I thanked him for the inspiration. He's looking forward to meeting sanDRina :D

Heading to Bangalore for the week...


Jammin thru the Global South was the 3+ year, 100,000+ km ride Jay did from the US to India via Latin America, Europe and Africa. Explore the photojournals at the Journey Posts tab.

Jammin Global Adventures is a tour company run by Jay Kannaiyan. He organizes small group, premium motorcycle adventures in Peru, Kenya, Mongolia, India and more.

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